A lot of people claim that stereotyping of young people in Media is a big deal and an issue that should be taken into consideration. But when it comes to reality people try to avoid admitting that they believe in those stereotypes. Recently there was a survey made that was trying to figure out how strong is an influence of stereptypes on young people, that is promoted by the media, on regular population.
The survey was conducted by Irish scientists in 2011 in Market Square Shopping Center. Three girl, that were dressed in a different style:
The Goth
The Smartly
These girls were shown to different people. The questions that were asked: What personality does this girl have? What do you think about her? What could be her future job?
The results of the research showed that the level of stereotyping was not as high as it was expected to be, however, those girls were still judged and stereotyped accordingly to their looks.
For more information check the website of Youth Work Ireland: Survey Stereotypes
You can look at it from the other side as well. People dress and look accordingly to their personalities and culture.
OdpovědětVymazatSo it makes sense to make predictions about someone based on the way they are dressed. Not judgments of course.